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Tue, 31 Aug 2021 03:00:04 . . . . SyneRyder [Add deprecated dmax, xmax, ymax, zmax, pmax, correct value of D]

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= Image constants =

These constants contain information about the image or preview being processed.

D - Maximum angle, always "1024". Datatype "int".

dmax - (deprecated) Identical to D. Maximum angle, always "1024". Datatype "int".

imageHRes - The horizontal DPI (Dots Per Inch) setting of the source image. Datatype "double".

imageVRes - The vertical DPI (Dots Per Inch) setting of the source image. Datatype "double".

imageWidth - Width of the original image in pixels, or width of the floating selection. Datatype "int".

imageHeight - Height of the original image in pixels, or width of the floating selection. Datatype "int".

pmax - (deprecated) Identical to Z. Number of available planes (channels) in the image.

wholeWidth - Width of the original image in pixels, regardless of floating selection. Datatype "int".

wholeHeight - Height of the original image in pixels, regardless of floating selection. Datatype "int".

X - Width of the currently processed image in pixels: on the run it's the (preview zoomratio dependent) PROXY IMAGE width but it's the original image width when effect is actually applied. Datatype "int".

xmax - (deprecated) Identical to X. Width of the currently processed image in pixels.

x_end - Last x pixel coordinate visible inside the preview window / of the currently processed image tile

x_start - First x pixel coordinate visible inside the preview window / of the currently processed image tile

Y - Height of the currently processed image in pixels: on the run it's the (preview zoomratio dependent) PROXY IMAGE height but it's the original image height when effect is actually applied. Datatype "int".

ymax - (deprecated) Identical to Y. Height of the currently processed image in pixels.

y_end - Last y pixel coordinate visible inside the preview window / of the currently processed image tile

y_start - First y pixel coordinate visible inside the preview window / of the currently processed image tile

Z - Number of available channels. Number of color channels + one option channel if image is not the background layer. Datatype "int".

zmax - (deprecated) Identical to Z. Number of available channels in the image.

= Processing constants =

These constants contain information about how the image is being processed and the platform it is being processed on.

bgColor - The host application's current background color as an RGB triple stored in an integer

DESIGNTIME - true if the filter is running in the FilterMeister development environment, false if a compiled filter plugin.

doingProxy - true if the filter is running in a preview dialog window, and false if the filter is applying the effect to the image in the host program.

doingScripting - true if the filter is running via a script / smart filter, false otherwise

fgColor - The host application's current foreground color as an RGB triple stored in an integer

filterCase - The type of data being filtered (eg Flat with no selection, Flat with a selection, etc)

filterInstallDir - full directory path to where the plugin is installed

filterUniqueID - a unique id / GUID for the plugin, for use by plugins that support scripting

FMC_TARGET - set to 32 for 32-bit plugins, and 64 for 64-bit plugins. Only available from FM1.0 Beta9g MT4 onwards.

haveMask - Boolean variable that is true when a non-rectangular area has been selected.

hostSerialNumber - the serial number of the host application, if supported by the host program

hostSig - a value that can sometimes be used to identify the host program the plugin is running in (eg particular Photoshop versions)

imageMode - The mode of the image being filtered (eg Bitmap, Grayscale, RGB, CMYK etc)

isFloating - Boolean variable that is true when the selection is floating.

planes - the number of planes/channels in the image, including alpha & mask planes

planesWithoutAlpha - the number of color planes/channels in an image (excludes alpha & mask planes)

platformData - a value that can sometimes be used to identify a particular combination of host program & operating system

samplingSupport - indicates whether the host supports non-1:1 sampling for the proxy preview

scaleFactor - an integer representing the current zoom/scale of the preview proxy window (eg 1 for 100%, 3 for 33%, 5 for 20%)

zoomFactor - an integer between 1 and 16 to indicate the current zoom factor of the proxy preview window, or 0 if the proxy zoom factor has not yet been set. (In the current implementation, the zoomFactor variable is essentially the same as the built-in scaleFactor variable.)

[[Transclude Events]]

= Filtermeister Limits =

MAX_LABEL_SIZE -max number of chars in a control label or dropdown list

MAX_TOOLTIP_SIZE -max number of chars in a tooltip

MAX_SOURCE_CODE_SIZE -max number of chars allowed by the source editor

MAX_DLITS -size of floating-point/string literal pool (in 8 byte units)

MAX_LOCALS -max number of local variables in a handler or user-defined function

MAX_TEMPS -max number of compiler-generated temporaries per handler or user-defined function

MAX_CASE_LABELS -max number of case labels per switch statement

N_CELLS -number of anonymous get/put cells

N_CTLS -max number of controls (user-defined and system reserved)

CTL_LAST_USER -index of last available user-defined control

= C Miscellaneous Constants =

These constants are specified in the C standard which FilterMeister aims to support; as such, they are available for developers.

_MAX_DIR - Maximum size in characters of a directory name (e.g., "adobe/photoshop/plug-ins").

_MAX_DRIVE - Maximum size in characters of a drive name (e.g., "C:").

_MAX_EXT - Maximum size in characters of a file extension (e.g., ".8bf").

_MAX_FNAME - Maximum size in characters of a file name (e.g., "myplugin").

_MAX_PATH - Maximum size in characters of a path name (e.g., "adobe/photoshop/plug-in/").






NULL - Constant for the integer value 0, representing a pointer to nothing.

RAND_MAX - Maximum value generated by the integer random number generator.

= C Mathematical Constants =

These constants are specified in the C standard which FilterMeister aims to support; especially in the library "math.h".

M_E - Same value as exp(1.0)

M_LOG2E - Same value as 1.0/log(2.0)

M_LOG10E - Same value as 1.0/log(10.0)

M_LN2 - Same value as log(2.0)

M_LN10 - Same value as log(10.0)

M_PI - The numerical value of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (approximately 3.14159). Usually represented by the Greek letter Pi.

M_PI_2 - Same value as M_PI/2.0

M_PI_4 - Same value as M_PI/4.0

M_1_PI - Same value as 1.0/M_PI

M_2_PI - Same value as 2.0/M_PI

M_2_SQRTPI - Same value as 2.0/sqrt(M_PI)

M_SQRT2 - Same value as sqrt(2.0)

M_SQRT1_2 - Same value as 1.0/sqrt(2.0)