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Wed, 24 Nov 2021 02:40:00 . . . . SyneRyder [Add link to resetAllCtls]

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== Built-in Controls ==

Particular FM controls have predefined indices, indicated by the constants below:











Notice: CTL_LAST_USER corresponds to the last available user control index. Check this value to ensure the index you use is not already reserved by a particular FM control.

== User Control Properties ==

BITMAP - Creates a bitmap image

CHECKBOX - Creates a checkbox

COMBOBOX - Creates a pull-down list/combo box

EDIT - Creates a text editbox

FRAME - Creates a frame/border

GROUPBOX - Creates a groupbox for grouping radio buttons

ICON - Creates an icon image

IMAGE - Creates a transparent bitmap image

LISTBOX - Creates a listbox

METAFILE - Creates a vector image

MODIFY - Changes the properties of a predefined control

NONE - Removes a predefined user control

OWNERDRAW - Creates an actionable colored/transparent rectangle control

PUSHBUTTON - Creates a standard button

RADIOBUTTON - Creates a single radio button

RECT - Creates a rectangle

SCROLLBAR - Creates a scrollbar on its own

SLIDER - Creates a trackbar with a text label and numeric edit control

STANDARD - Creates a scrollbar with a text label and numeric edit control

STATICTEXT - Creates a text label

TAB - Creates a tab control, optionally with multiple tab sheets

TRACKBAR - Creates a trackbar (a kind of scrollbar with ticks)

== User Control Functions ==

checkCtlFocus - Checks if a control currently has user focus.

clearCtlBuddyStyle - Clears the window style of labels and edit boxes on standard and slider controls.

(clearCtlBuddyStyleEx)? - Clears the extended window style of labels and edit boxes on standard and slider controls.

clearCtlProperties - Clears a previously set property from a control.

(clearCtlStyle)? - Clears a window style from a user control.

(clearCtlStyleEx)? - Clears an extended window style from a user control.

createCtl - Creates a new user interface control at runtime.

createFont - Creates a font object to use with a user control.

ctlEnabled - Determines if a control is enabled.

deleteCtl - Deletes a user control.

deleteCtlItem - Deletes an item from a Listbox, Combobox or Tab control.

deleteCtlItems - Deletes all the items in a Listbox, Combobox or Tab control.

deleteFont - Deletes a font object.

doAction - Performs one of several predefined actions.

enableCtl - Enables, disables & hides user controls.

(fillDir)? - Fills a combobox or listbox with file and folder names.

getCtlClass - Returns the type of a specific user control.

getCtlColor - Returns the current color of a control.

getCtlCoord - Get the mouse coordinates of any control.

getCtlHandle - Gets the window handle of a user control.

getCtlItemCount - Get the number of items in a Listbox, Combobox or Tab control

getCtlItemText - Get the text of an item in a Listbox, Combobox or Tab control

(getCtlItemTop)? - Get the index number of the first visible item in a Listbox or Combobox

getCtlPos - Get the current position and size of any control.

getCtlRange - Gets the minimum or maximum of the range of a user control.

getCtlTab - Gets the tab control or tab sheet that a user control has been assigned to.

getCtlText - Get the text associated with a user control.

getCtlVal - Returns the current value of a user control.

getPreviewCoordX - Returns the x coordinate in the image above which the mouse pointer is placed.

getPreviewCoordY - Returns the y coordinate in the image above which the mouse pointer is placed.

getPreviewCursor - Returns the resource number of the current preview cursor

mouseOverWhenInvisible - Enables & disables event triggering for disabled or invisible controls.

refreshCtl - Redraws or updates a certain control.

resetAllCtls - Resets the entire plugin UI to the default state when starting FilterMeister.

scrollPreview - Scrolls the preview window in a given position inside the full image.

setClickDrag - Changes how the user can move the image in the preview window.

setCtlAction - Sets the action performed when a user control is activated.

setCtlAnchor - Changes how a control is repositioned when the dialog is resized.

setCtlBuddyStyle - Sets the window style of labels and edit boxes on standard and slider controls.

(setCtlBuddyStyleEx)? - Sets the extended window style of labels and edit boxes on standard and slider controls.

setCtlColor - Changes the background color of the user control.

setCtlDefVal - Sets the default / reset value for a control.

setCtlDivisor - Sets the number of decimal places a control appears to have.

setCtlEditSize - Changes the size of the text edit control of a slider.

setCtlFocus - Sets which control has the user focus.

setCtlFont - Sets the font of a user control.

setCtlFontColor - Changes the color of the user control's text.

setCtlFontSysColor - Changes the color of the user control's text to a defined system color.

setCtlGamma - Changes the curve of how quickly the slider changes values

setCtlImage - Changes the image displayed by a control at runtime.

(setCtlItemText)? - Changes the text of an item in a Listbox, Combobox or Tab control

(setCtlItemTop)? - Changes the first visible item in a Listbox or Combobox

setCtlLineSize - Changes the control's line jump unit.

setCtlPageSize - Changes the control's page jump unit.

setCtlPixelPos - Resizes and repositions a control on the dialog interface (in pixels).

setCtlPos - Resizes and repositions a control on the dialog interface (in DBUs).

setCtlProperties - Sets the properties of a control.

setCtlRange - Changes the range of values a user control can return.

setCtlScripting - Enables & disables Photoshop scripting for a user control

(setCtlStyle)? - Sets a window style for a user control.

(setCtlStyleEx)? - Sets an extended window style for a user control.

setCtlSysColor - Changes the background color of the user control to a defined system color.

setCtlTab - Assigns a control to the sheet of a tab control.

setCtlText - Sets the text property of the user control.

setCtlTextv - Sets the text property of the user control using printf-style formatting.

setCtlTheme - Switches XP/Vista themes on and off for a specific control. (Does not work correctly at the moment.)

setCtlTicFreq - Sets the frequency of tick marks in a TRACKBAR control.

setCtlToolTip - Sets the text that appears when the mouse hovers over the control.

setCtlVal - Sets the value associated with the control.

setPreviewCursor - Changes the cursor displayed when the mouse is over the preview window.

setZoom - Sets the zoom level of the filter preview image.

testAbort - Tests for a user-requested abort.

updateAnchors - Updates the anchors for all user controls.

updatePreview - Updates the filter preview image.

updateProgress - Updates the filter progress bar.

== Message & Dialog Windows ==

chooseColor - Invokes the host application's default color picker dialog

Error - Displays an error box dialog with Cancel, Retry and Ignore buttons

ErrorOk - Displays an error box with an OK button

getOpenFileName - Displays the standard Open File dialog

getSaveFileName - Displays the standard Save File dialog

Info - Displays an information box dialog

msgBox - Displays a custom configured message box

Warn - Displays a warning box dialog

YesNo - Displays a message box containing Yes and No buttons

YesNoCancel - Displays a message box containing Yes, No and Cancel buttons

== Dialog String Manipulation Functions ==

appendEllipsis - Returns a string with an ellipsis ("...") appended.

formatString - Returns a string with substitutions made for designated 2-character substrings

stripEllipsis - Returns a string with any trailing ellipsis removed.

== Miscellaneous Dialog Functions ==

getAsyncKeyState - Determines whether a key is pressed or not

getDisplaySettings - Finds the bit depth, resolution and refresh rate of the screen

getSysColor - Gets the color of a specified display element.

HDBUsToPixels - Converts horizontal dialog box units to pixels

playSoundWave - Plays a sound file

playSoundWaveLoop - Plays a sound file repeatedly

playSoundWaveSync - Plays a sound and waits until it finishes playing

triggerEvent - Sets off a dialog, timer or internal event

VDBUsToPixels - Converts vertical dialog box units to pixels

[[Transclude Control drawing]]

== Filter Dialog Window Functions ==

checkDialogFocus - Checks if the filter dialog currently has keyboard focus.

clearDialogEvent - Disables processing of init, cancel or keypress events.

(clearDialogStyle)? - Clears various styles of the dialog.

(clearDialogStyleEx)? - Clears various extended styles of the dialog.

createCircularRgn - Creates a simple circular region, for use with setDialogRegion.

createClientRgn - (not implemented)

createDialogRgn - (not implemented)

createEllipticRgn - Creates an elliptical region, for use with setDialogRegion.

createMenubarRgn - (not implemented)

createPolyRgn - Creates an arbitrary polygon region object from a list of pairs of vertices.

createRectRgn - Creates a simple rectangular region, for use with setDialogRegion.

createRoundRectRgn - Creates a rectangular region with rounded corners, for use with setDialogRegion.

createStatusbarRgn - (not implemented)

createTitlebarRgn - (not implemented)

enableToolTipBalloon - Enables or disables speech balloon style tool tips for all controls.

getAppTheme - Checks if the host application has XP/Vista style themes enabled.

getDialogHandle - Gets the window handle of the filter dialog window.

getDialogHeight - Gets the current width of the dialog in vertical DBUs.

getDialogPos - Gets the current dialog position in DBUs.

getDialogWidth - Gets the current width of the dialog in horizontal DBUs.

lockWindow - Enables / disables drawing in the filter dialog area.

refreshRgn - Redraws or updates a certain region of the filter dialog.

refreshWindow - Redraws or updates the filter dialog.

setDialogColor - Sets the background color of the filter dialog.

setDialogSysColor - Sets the background color of the filter dialog using defined system colors

setDialogDragMode - Sets whether the filter dialog can be dragged by the title bar and/or background.

setDialogEvent - Enables processing of init, cancel and keypress events.

setDialogGradient - Sets a gradient as the background color of the filter dialog.

setDialogImage - Changes the image used in the filter dialog background.

setDialogImageMode - Sets whether the dialog background image is tiled or stretched.

setDialogMinMax - Sets the minimum and maximum dimensions of the filter dialog.

setDialogPos - Sets the position and size of the filter dialog window.

setDialogRegion - Sets the clipping region (outline) of the filter dialog.

setDialogShowState - Shows and hides the main filter dialog window.

setDialogSizeGrip - Shows and hides the resizing size grip control.

setDialogStyle - Sets various styles of the dialog.

setDialogStyleEx - Sets various extended styles of the dialog.

setDialogText - Sets the caption in the title bar.

setDialogTextv - Sets the caption in the title bar with printf-style formatting.

setDialogTheme - Switches XP/Vista themes on and off. (Does not work correctly at the moment.)

[[Transclude Events]]

== Constants ==





























== See Also ==

Command Reference, Image Functions, System Functions, C Runtime Functions