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Use this template to document events. You can copy it's code from below for easy pasting.


= EventName =

== Returned Parameters ==


::Usually the n variable is the number of the control for which the event was triggered. In a few cases it can represent something else. Describe what it repesents.

== Performs Control Action? ==

:Performs or doesn't perform the default control action (e.g. preview update). Or does it perform an action only for certain control types?

:The control action can be suppressed by using return true; instead of return false;.

== Description ==

:Describe the event here, including by what user action it is triggered etc.

== Example ==



if (n == 10 && e == FME_CLICKED){

Info ("The button was pressed.");


return false;



== Also see ==

:(RelatedEvent)?, (OtherEvent)?, (RelatedFunction)?

== Comments ==

:Everyone can add his comments about his experiences with this event here. Tips for using it are welcome, too.




= EventName =

== Returned Parameters ==


::specify what n represents

== Performs Control Action? ==


:The control action can be suppressed by using return true; instead of return false;.

== Description ==


== Example ==

== Also see ==


== Comments ==

:Everyone can add his comments about his experiences with this event here. Tips for using it are welcome, too.
