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// This template gets you started when you plan to enhance one of

// your Filter Factory plugins with FilterMeister. For this purpose it is

// important to be put the FF source code into FilterMeister's

// ForEverTile handler as it gives you a lot of new possibilities.


// Filter Infos

Category :"FilterMeister"

Title :"FF in FET"

Copyright :"None"

Author :"Harald Heim"

Organization:"The Plugin Site"


Filename :"FFinFET.8bf"

Description:"Use your FF code in the ForEveryTile handler"

Version :"1.01"

About :"!T !V\n!D\n"


//Only apply filter to RGB and Grayscale images

SupportedModes: RGBMode,GrayScaleMode


// Filter Control Definitions

// Determines how the filter dialog will look like

Dialog: color=#C0C0C0, NoTitlebar, Drag=Background, size=(348,145)//,Pos=Client(CENTER)

ctl(13): groupbox,color=#C0C0C0,fontcolor=#000000,pos=(180,0),size=(165,95)

// Insert you own slider label names and comment out the slider that

// you don't need

ctl(0):"Slider 1",val=28,size=(*,6),pos=(225,12),fontcolor=black

ctl(1):"Slider 2",val=201,size=(*,6),pos=(225,22),fontcolor=black

ctl(2):"Slider 3",val=0,size=(*,6),pos=(225,32),fontcolor=black

ctl(3):"Slider 4",val=76,size=(*,6),pos=(225,42),fontcolor=black

ctl(4):"Slider 5",val=82,size=(*,6),pos=(225,52),fontcolor=black

ctl(5):"Slider 6",val=149,size=(*,6),pos=(225,62),fontcolor=black

ctl(6):"Slider 7",val=8,size=(*,6),range=(0,255),pos=(225,72),fontcolor=black

ctl(7):"Slider 8",val=0,size=(*,6),range=(0,255),pos=(225,82),fontcolor=black

// Hide the Edit button and the logo

ctl[CTL_EDIT]: none

ctl[CTL_LOGO]: None


// Here comes the filter code


int x,y,r,g,b,i,u,v,m,d,M,D;

//Calculation of unsupported FF expressions

//Comment out the not needed variables!

M = c2m(X,Y)/2;

D = c2d(X,Y)/2;

for (y=y_start; y<y_end; ++y){ // loop through all rows

//Update progress bar and cancel if ESC key was pressed

if ( updateProgress(y,Y) ) break;

for (x=x_start; x<x_end; ++x){ // loop through all columns

//Calculation of unsupported FF expressions

//Comment out the not needed variables!

r = src(x,y,0);

g = src(x,y,1);

b = src(x,y,2);

i = ((76 * r) + (150 * g) + (29 * b))/256;

u = ((-19 * r) + (-37 * g) + (56 * b))/256;

v = ((78 * r) + (-65 * g) + (-13 * b))/256;

m = c2m(x-X/2,y-Y/2);

d = c2d(x-X/2,y-Y/2);

//Replace "255-r/g/b" with your own FF formulas here

/* If the FF code should include puts and gets,

please replace the gets with the statement inside the

put command and remove the put command itself */

pset(x,y,0, 255-r ); //red channel

pset(x,y,1, 255-g ); //green channel

pset(x,y,2, 255-b ); //blue channel



//Apply calculations to image

return true;

