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= PixelsToHDBUs =

== Syntax ==

:PixelsToHDBUs(int pixels)

== Arguments ==


::Number of pixels to convert to HDBUs

== Description ==

:Converts on-screen pixel measurement to HDBU (horizontal dialog base units, the measurement by which FilterMeister dialogs are constructed). Note that the result of this conversion depends on the users' Windows installation and may vary.

== Example ==


Info("Screensize in DBUs: %d x %d", PixelsToHDBUs(getDisplaySettings(1)), PixelsToVDBUs(getDisplaySettings(2)));


== Also see ==

:HDBUsToPixels, PixelsToVDBUs, VDBUsToPixels

== Comments ==

:Everyone can add his comments about his experiences with this function here. Tips for using it are welcome, too.