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// This is a simple template for a FilterMeister filter. To get

// started simply replace the current values with your own

// ones. You can also try to replace parts of the current code

// or even add your own code.


// Filter Infos

// The name of the sub menu on which your filter will appear

// in the graphics application

Category: "Harry's Filters"

// The name of the filter and the sub menu item

Title: "Colorize"

// Your plugin will be saved under this name

Filename: "Colorize.8bf"

// Other values

Copyright: "Freeware"

Author: "Harald Heim"

Organization: "The Plugin Site"

URL: ""

Description: "Colorize the Image\n"

Version: "1.0"

// Determines what will be displayed on the About dialog of your

// plugin: Title (!T), Version (!V), Description (!D), Copyright (!c)

// and URL (!U) each in a separate line

About: "!T !V\n!D\n!c\n!U"


// Filter Control Definitions

ctl(0): "Red", //The slider label

Range=(-128,128), //Value range of the slider

Pos=(220,20), //Position of the slider on the dialog

Size=(*,7), //Size of the slider

Val=0 //Initial value of the slider

ctl(1): "Green", Range=(-128,128), Pos=(220,30), Size=(*,7), Val=0

ctl(2): "Blue", Range=(-128,128), Pos=(220,40), Size=(*,7), Val=0

// Hide the Edit button and the logo

ctl[CTL_EDIT]: None

ctl[CTL_LOGO]: None


// Here comes the filter code



int c;

for (y=y_start; y<y_end; ++y){ // loop through all rows

//Update progress bar and cancel if ESC key was pressed

if ( updateProgress(y,Y) ) break;

for (x=x_start; x<x_end; ++x){ // loop through all columns

for (z=0; z<Z; ++z){ // loop through all channels

// Read a color value

c = pget (x,y,z);

// Process the color value.

// In this case the value of the appropriate

// slider is added to the color value

c = c + ctl(z);

//Write color value

pset ( x, y, z, c );

} // for z

} // for x

} // for y

//Stop processing and apply the effect

return true;

