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Sat, 07 Dec 2019 04:12:46 . . . . SyneRyder [First definition]

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= TAB =

== Syntax ==

:ctl[n]: TAB(Class Specific Properties), Other Properties

== Description ==

:Tabs are useful for grouping related controls that don't all need to be onscreen at the same time. In graphics programs, this is often used to group separate features such as brightness/contrast, gamma, and hue/saturation/luminance into separate sets of controls the user can manipulate one at a time.

== Class Specific Properties ==


::Orients the tabs on the bottom instead of the top (or right if VERTICAL is enabled)


::Uses pushbuttons instead of tabs to switch between sheets.


::When used with BUTTONS, makes the buttons look sunken into the dialog instead of raised.


::Enables hover/mouseover events (ie illuminates the tab labels when hovered over)


:: Orients the tabs on the right side if VERTICAL is enabled, bottom otherwise


::Uses tabs to switch between sheets. (default)


::Orients the tabs vertically / side on

== Other Properties ==


::The position of the tab control on the screen, in DBUs


::The size of the tab control


::Sets the initial labels for all tab sheets & therefore how many sheets it has (default = no Text)


::Sets a tooltip displayed when the mouse hovers over the tab labels.


::Selects which tab sheet is visible and activates all controls within it (default = 0)

== Example ==



ctl[10]: TAB, Text="RGB\nHSL", Pos=(320,5), Size=(160,100), Val=0

// Add to tab sheet 0, RGB

ctl[2]: "R", Tab=(10,0), Range=(-100, 100), Pos=(*,25)

ctl[3]: "G", Tab=(10,0), Range=(-100, 100), Pos=(*,35)

ctl[4]: "B", Tab=(10,0), Range=(-100, 100), Pos=(*,45)

// Add to tab sheet 1, HSL

ctl[5]: "H", Tab=(10,1), Range=(-100, 100), Pos=(*,25)

ctl[6]: "S", Tab=(10,1), Range=(-100, 100), Pos=(*,35)

ctl[7]: "L", Tab=(10,1), Range=(-100, 100), Pos=(*,45)

ForEveryPixel: {

int hue = rgb2hsl(R, G, B, 0) + ctl(5);

int sat = rgb2hsl(R, G, B, 1) + ctl(6);

int lum = rgb2hsl(R, G, B, 2) + ctl(7);

int red = hsl2rgb(hue, sat, lum, 0);

int grn = hsl2rgb(hue, sat, lum, 1);

int blu = hsl2rgb(hue, sat, lum, 2);

R = red + ctl(2);

G = grn + ctl(3);

B = blu + ctl(4);



== See Also ==