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Thu, 21 Nov 2019 05:01:59 . . . . SyneRyder [Add return values]

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= clearCtlProperties =

== Syntax ==

int clearCtlProperties(int n, int props)

== Arguments ==


:: Number of the control to clear properties from


:: The properties to clear from the control.

== Return ==

Returns an integer with the previous properties before they were cleared by the function, or -1 if the control number is out of range or if the control doesn't exist.

== Description ==

This function clears a property (ie a style or special characteristic) from a control that was previously set.

== Example ==


// Set control number 4 to trigger

// events whenever it changes

setCtlProperties(4, CTP_TRACK);

// Stop control number 4 from

// triggering events (ie clear the

// CTP_TRACK property)

clearCtlProperties(4, CTP_TRACK);


== See Also ==
