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Sun, 03 Nov 2019 15:39:59 . . . . SyneRyder

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= createCircularRgn =

== Syntax ==

region createCircularRgn(int x, int y, int d)

== Arguments ==


::x defines abscissa (in DBUs) of upper-left corner of the bounding box (not the circle’s center!).


::y defines ordinate (in DBUs) of upper-left corner of the bounding box (not the circle’s center!).


::d defines the circle’s diameter

== Return ==

Returns a handle/pointer to a circular region object (see comments)

== Description ==

Allows to define a rounded circular visual region, that can be for instance handled by the functions refreshRgn or setDialogRegion.

== Example ==


setDialogRegion( createCircularRgn(20, 20, 200) );


== Comments ==

"region" corresponds to a particular FM type or object that might need to be better documented or defined. You can't directly cast it to an integer, despite it behaving like an integer.

createCircularRgn is a wrapper around the Windows Win32 built-in function CreateEllipticRgn, documented here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd183496(v=vs.85).aspx

== Also see ==

createEllipticRgn, createRectRgn, createRoundRectRgn, createCircularRgn, createPolyRgn, refreshRgn, setDialogRegion