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Wed, 19 Nov 2008 14:47:26 . . . . (mehdi)?

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= createEllipticRgn =

== Syntax ==

:region createEllipticRgn(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

== Arguments ==


The x coordinate (in DBUs) of the upper-left corner of the bounding box of the ellipse.


The y coordinate (in DBUs) of the upper-left corner of the bounding box of the ellipse.


The x coordinate (in DBUs) of the lower-right corner of the bounding box of the ellipse.


The y coordinate (in DBUs) of the lower-right corner of the bounding box of the ellipse.

== Return ==

Return an elliptic region (see comments)

== Description ==

Allows to define an elliptic visual region, that can be for instance handled by the functions refreshRgn or setDialogRegion

== Example ==




== Also see ==

createCircularRgn, createRectRgn, createRoundRectRgn, createCircularRgn, createPolyRgn, refreshRgn, setDialogRegion

== Comments ==

:"region" correspond to a particular FM type or object that might need to be better documented or defined. You can't directly cast it to an integer, despite it behaves like an integer.



:Everyone can add his comments about his experiences with this function here. Tips for using it are welcome, too.