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Thu, 12 Dec 2019 09:12:51 . . . . SyneRyder [Add example, arguments, description and See Also links]

Changes by last author:

= destroyMenu =

== Syntax ==

void destroyMenu(int hMenu)

== Arguments ==


:: Handle to the menu to be destroyed

== Description ==

Destroys the given menu object.

== Example ==



ctl[0]: PUSHBUTTON, "Click Me!"

OnCtl(n): {

if (n==0 && e == FME_CLICKED){

int menu=0;

menu = createPopupMenu();

insertMenuItem(menu, 1, "Do This",MFS_ENABLED , NULL);

insertMenuItem(menu, 2, "Do That",MFS_ENABLED | MFS_DEFAULT, NULL);

insertMenuItem(menu, 3, "Do Nothing",MFS_ENABLED, NULL);

Info("Selection: %d", trackPopupMenu (menu, 1, 0,0,0) );



return false;



== See Also ==

createPopupMenu, insertMenuItem, trackPopupMenu