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Wed, 06 Jan 2010 15:43:08 . . . . (Jazzscriveyn)? [corrected line break]

Changes by last author:

= enumRegValue =

== Syntax ==

:int enumRegValue(int index, lpsz szValueName, int maxValueNameLen, int *piType, int *pcbData)

== Arguments ==


::is the zero-based index for the next value name to be retrieved


::is a character string buffer to receive the value name


::is the size of the szValueName buffer in bytes (including room for the terminating null character)


::is the address of an int variable which will receive a code indicating the type of data associated with this value (REG_DWORD for 32-bit integer data, REG_SZ for character string data, REG_BINARY for byte sequence data)


::is the address of an int variable which will receive the size in bytes of the data associated with this value

== Return ==

:Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, otherwise it returns one of the following integer error codes:

||ERROR_SUCCESS||(==0) no error||

||ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND||key or value name not found||

||ERROR_MORE_DATA||buffer wasn't big enough (e.g., getRegString, getRegData)||

||ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS||index >= # of values or subkeys (enumRegValue, enumRegSubKey)||

||ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION||bad top-level key, etc||

||ERROR_INVALID_DATA||wrong data type or size (or size > 2048)||

||ERROR_BADDB||registry database is corrupt||

||ERROR_BADKEY||registry key is invalid||

||ERROR_CANTOPEN||registry key could not be opened||

||ERROR_CANTREAD||registry key could not be read||

||ERROR_CANTWRITE||registry key could not be written||

||ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT||registry is corrupt||

||ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED||input/output to registry failed||

||ERROR_KEY_DELETED||Illegal operation attempted on a Registry key which has been marked for deletion.||

||ERROR_KEY_HAS_CHILDREN||cannot delete a key with subkeys (Windows NT)||

== Description ==

:Enumerates the names of all values stored under the current key.

== Example ==


// fetches installed fonts from the registry and loads them into a combobox

// (modified example, original by Alex Hunter)


ctl[0]: combobox,"Style 1\nStyle 2\nStyle 3",pos=(*,10),size=(99,50),val=0,Action=PREVIEW

ctl[1]: pushbutton, "Populate Font List", size=(80,15), pos=(*,35)

int iRetVal;

int iDataType;

int iDataLen;


if (n==1 && e== FME_CLICKED){

setCtlText(0, ""); //clear the ComboBox control

getRegPath(str9, 256); //save current registry path



setRegPath("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts");

getRegPath(str0, 256); //save current registry path


for (i=0, iRetVal=ERROR_SUCCESS; iRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) {

iRetVal = enumRegValue(i, str0, 256,&iDataType, &iDataLen);

if (i<21){Info("i=%i, iRetVal=%i,value=%s",i,iRetVal,str0);}

if (iRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) {




setRegPath(str9); //restore registry path to original value


return false;



== Also see ==

:getRegRoot, setRegRoot, getRegPath, setRegPath