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Thu, 28 Nov 2019 03:28:00 . . . . SyneRyder [First function definition]

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= mix1 =

== Syntax ==

int mix1(int a, int b, int n, int d)

== Arguments ==


::An integer value to be mixed in.


::An integer value for the base value.


::An integer value which controls the mixture.


::An integer value for the range.

== Return ==

An integer which is a mix of a into b, based on the position of n in range [0,d].

== Description ==

This function calculates how much of a will be mixed into b, proportional to the position of n in the range from 0 to d. If n is 0, the value of b is returned, if n is equal to d, the value of a is returned. For any values of n in between 0 and d, a proportional value is calculated.

This version of the mix function uses a slightly different algorithm, of the form (d != 0) ? b - (b - a)*n/d : 0;

== Example ==



ctl[0]: "Darken", Range=(0,100)

ctl[1]: COMBOBOX, "mix\nmix1\nmix2", Val=0, Size=(*,60)

ForEveryTile: {

for (y = y_start; y &lt; y_end; y++) {

for (x = x_start; x &lt; x_end; x++) {

for (z=0; z &lt; 3; z++) {

switch(ctl(1)) {

case 0:

pset(x,y,z, mix(0, src(x,y,z), ctl(0), 100) );


case 1:

pset(x,y,z, mix1(0, src(x,y,z), ctl(0), 100) );


case 2:

pset(x,y,z, mix2(0, src(x,y,z), ctl(0), 100) );



pset(x,y,z, mix(0, src(x,y,z), ctl(0), 100) );





return true;



== See Also ==

scl, mix, mix2