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= msgBox =

== Syntax ==

:int msgBox(int level, string titleBarText, string dialogText)

== Arguments ==


::The type of message box that you want to display.


::The text that will appear in the title bar of the message box window.


::The text that will appear in the dialog section of the message box window.

== Return ==

:The ID of the button that the user clicked on (eg IDYES, IDNO, IDCANCEL etc.)

== Description ==

:This function calls a message box with a user-defined title bar text, a user-defined dialog text and at least one pushbutton, which depends on the dialog level set. The following levels can be set:

|| MB_ICONERROR || Places an error icon in the message box ||

|| MB_ICONQUESTION || Places a YESNO question icon in the message box ||

|| MB_ICONWARNING || Places a warning sign icon in the message box ||

|| MB_ICONINFORMATION || Places an Info icon in the message box ||

|| MB_OK || Places one pushbutton: OK ||

|| MB_OKCANCEL || Places two pushbuttons: OK and Cancel ||

|| MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE || Places three pushbuttons: Abort, Retry and Ignore ||

|| MB_YESNOCANCEL || Places three pushbuttons: Yes, No and Cancel ||

|| MB_YESNO || Places two pushbuttons: Yes and No ||

|| MB_RETRYCANCEL || Places two pushbuttons: Retry and Cancel ||

|| MB_APPLMODAL || Default: OK button, title bar and dialog text ||

|| MB_SYSTEMMODAL || Places a windows logo in the title bar ||

: These levels can be combined by adding the symbol | between them. Note that the title bar text does not support escape sequences nor substrings.

== Example ==


msgBox ( MB_YESNO, "Title bar text", "Dialog text" );

msgBox ( MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNOCANCEL, "Poppy's Filters Question", "Apply the filter?" );

msgBox ( MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_OK, "Filtermania", "This will last for hours" );


== Also see ==

:Info, Warn, Error

== Comments ==

:Everyone can add his comments about his experiences with this function here. Tips for using it are welcome, too.