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Sun, 10 Nov 2019 05:54:14 . . . . SyneRyder [Formatting]

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= msk =

== Syntax ==

int msk(int x, int y)

== Arguments ==


::Horizontal coordinate of the requested mask pixel, starting from the left at 0.


::Vertical coordinate of the requested mask pixel, starting from the top at 0.

== Return ==

The mask value for the requested pixel in the range [0, 255] (regardless of whether the color depth of the source image).

0 means the pixel is completely outside the selection mask, 255 means the pixel is completely inside the selection mask.

== Description ==

Use this function to determine whether a pixel is inside, outside or somewhere on the edge of the host application's selection mask.

== Comments ==

By default, FilterMeister automatically applies the selection mask to pixels for the final render; you only need to check the mask to render a correct preview inside FilterMeister. Nonetheless, if you use a msk(..) == 0 check, you can increase performance by not calculating pixels outside the selection mask.

== Example ==




ForEveryTile: {

for (x = x_start; x < x_end; x++) {

for (y = y_start; y < y_end; y++) {

m = msk(x, y);

if (m == 0)continue; //speed up

for (z = 0; z < 3; z++) { //don't process alpha

int s = src(x, y, z);

if (doingProxy)

pset(x, y, z, mix(255 - s, s, m, 255)); //if you wish, apply mask on preview


pset(x, y, z, s); //the mask is applied after pressing ok

}//end for z

}//end for y

}//end for x

return true;

}//end ForEveryTile


== See Also ==
