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Mon, 04 Nov 2019 03:37:59 . . . . SyneRyder [Formatting for ePub]

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= rmdir =

== Syntax ==

int rmdir(string path)

== Arguments ==


::The path of the folder you want to remove.

== Return ==

Returns 0 if the new directory was removed successfully, -1 otherwise.

== Description ==

Removes a directory/folder from the user's filesystem. The folder must already be empty. Remember to use double backslashes in the path.

== Example ==


if (rmdir("c:\\abc\\mynewfolder") == 0) {

msgBox(MB_OK, "Successful", "The mynewfolder folder was removed successfully.");


else msgBox(MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING, "Error", "The folder could not be removed.");


== Also see ==

getSpecialFolder, mkdir, chdir