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Fri, 17 Jan 2020 05:32:50 . . . . SyneRyder [Initial function definition]

Changes by last author:

= strtok =

== Syntax ==

char* strtok(void *str, const char *delimiters)

== Arguments ==


::The string to tokenize. On the second and repeated calls, this should be set to NULL to continue using the internal tokenizing buffer to search for the next token.


::A string of characters to use as delimiters (eg space, comma, tab symbol) that will split the string into tokens.

== Return ==

Returns a pointer to the internal string buffer pointing to the current token, or NULL if the end of the string has been reached with no more tokens found.

== Description ==

Splits a string into string "tokens", split by the given delimiters. Each call to strtok returns a single token.

You can use this function to split a string into individual words by using the space character as a delimiter. You might also use it to split a line of a CSV (comma-separated-value) file by using the comma symbol as a delimiter.

== Example ==



OnFilterStart: {

char* strbuffer;

char* token;

strbuffer = malloc(1000);

sprintf(strbuffer, "FM is awesome!");

printf("%s", strbuffer);

token = strtok(strbuffer, " ");

while(token != NULL) {

printf("%s", token);

// Use NULL here, not strbuffer

// otherwise infinite loop here!

token = strtok(NULL, " ");



return true;



== See Also ==

strncpy, strcpy