
Flow control

(break)? - Stops execution of the innermost looping or conditional block of code and continue processing from the statement immediately following this block.

(case)? - Used in conjunction with the switch statement to specify a possible value to match against the variable specified in the switch statement.

(continue)? - Stops execution of the innermost looping block of code, iterate in case of a for loop and continue the loop from the first statement in the looping block of code.

(default)? - Used in conjunction with the switch statement to specify an alternative if none of the case statements match.

(do)? - Used in conjunction with the while statement when testing after execution of the controlled block of code.

(else)? - Used in conjunction with the if statement to execute a block of code when the Boolean expression given in the if statement does not evaluate to true.

(for)? - Executes a block of code based on the value of a specified variable and its continual alteration at the end of each iteration.

(if)? - Conditionally execute a block of code when a Boolean expression evaluates to true.

(return)? - Return from a handler, optionally with a value to be passed along to the system.

sizeof - Returns the size in bytes of a specific type or variable.

switch - Executes any of a number of blocks of code or a consecutive number of block of code depending on whether the variable specified in the switch statement matches the value of a case statement.

(while)? - Repeat a specific block of code as long as a specific Boolean expression evaluates to true.


false - Designates a state in which a value is considered logically false.

true - Designates a state in which a value is considered logically true.

(NULL)? - Designates a pointer which points to nothing.

Type declaration











