System Functions

Registry Functions

setRegRoot - Sets the the current registry root key to either HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER

getRegRoot - Gets the current registry root

setRegPath - Sets the the current registry path

getRegPath - Gets the the current registry path

(putRegInt)? - Stores an integer value into the registry

(getRegInt)? - Gets an integer value from the registry

putRegString - Stores a string value into the registry

getRegString - Fetches a C-style character string from the Windows Registry

(putRegData)? - Stores a set of binary data into the registry

(getRegData)? - Gets a set of binary data from the registry

(enumRegSubKey)? - Gets name of n-th subkey under current registry key

enumRegValue - Enumerates the names of all values stored under the current key

(deleteRegSubKey)? - Deletes specified subkey (and all its values) below the current key

deleteRegValue - Deletes specified value under the current registry key.

Filesystem Functions

getSpecialFolder - Finds the location of Windows-specific folders (eg current user's My Documents folder)

findFirstFile - Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a specific name

findNextFile - Finds the next file in a search started by findFirstFile

findClose - Closes a file search handle opened by findFirstFile

chdir - Changes the working folder

getcwd - Returns the current working folder

mkdir - Creates a new folder

rmdir - Deletes a folder

Memory Functions

allocHost - Allocates memory through the host application

lockHost - Gets a pointer to a memory block allocated by the host application

freeHost - Frees memory allocated by the host application

System Functions

getDisplaySettings - Determines the bit depth, resolution and refresh rate of the screen

getAsyncKeyState - Determines whether a key is up or down at the time the function is called

getSysMem - Returns some values about the system memory.

getWindowsVersion - Detects the currently running Windows version

setTimerEvent - Activates or deactivates one of 10 available timers

shellExec - Executes a Windows shell command

sleep - Delays execution of the filter for a specific period of time

Resource Functions

copyResToArray - Copies a file resource to an array.

getResAddress - Returns a pointer to the specified file resource.

getResSize - Returns the size of the file resource.

Locale Functions

getUserDefaultLCID - Returns the locale identifier for the user default locale

getSystemDefaultLCID - Returns the locale identifier for the system locale

getLocaleInfo - Retrieves information about a locale specified by identifier

DLL Access Functions

loadLib - Loads a DLL into memory

getLibFn - Looks up a function in a loaded DLL

callLib - Calls an int-valued CDECL or STDCALL function in a loaded DLL

callLibFmc - Calls an int-valued CDECL function in a loaded DLL, passing a pointer to the FM context record

fcallLib - Calls a double-valued CDECL or STDCALL function in a loaded DLL

fcallLibFmc - Calls a double-valued CDECL function in a loaded DLL, passing a pointer to the FM context record

freeLib - Releases a DLL from memory

CPU Register Access Functions

getCpuReg - Gets contents of a cpu register

(finit)? - Uses the finit instruction to initialize the numeric processor

(fstsw)? - Uses the fstsw instruction to fetch the numeric processor status word

(fstcw)? - Uses the fstcw instruction to fetch the numeric processor control word

(fldcw)? - Uses the fldcw instruction to load a new value into the numeric processor control word

Multithreading Functions

countProcessors - Returns the number of (virtual or physical) processors in your system.

triggerThread - Creates a worker thread to execute the OnCtl handler.

waitForThread - Waits for one (or all) worker threads to complete.

isThreadActive - Tests whether a specific (or any) worker thread is still active.

getThreadRetVal - Retrieves the exit code value of a completed worker thread.

terminateThread - Terminates a specified (or all) worker thread(s).

Critical Section Functions

createCriticalSection - Allocates and initializes a Critical Section.

createCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - Not yet implemented.

createCriticalSectionEx - Not yet implemented.

setCriticalSectionSpinCount - Not yet implemented.

enterCriticalSection - Enters a Critical Section, first waiting until no other worker thread is inside.

tryEnterCriticalSection - Enters a Critical Section immediately if available; returns false if the Critical Section is currently occupied by another worker thread.

leaveCriticalSection - Leaves a Critical Section, permitting another waiting worker thread to enter it.

deleteCriticalSection - Deletes a Critical Section and all its resources when no longer needed.

See Also

Command Reference, Dialog Functions, Image Functions, C Runtime Functions