

int deleteRegValue(char *szValueName[, varargs]...)


String with the name of the value to delete. May contain printf-style formatting codes as well as FM !-codes.
A list of optional arguments used to perform printf-style formatting on the szValueName string.


Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, otherwise it returns one of the following integer error codes:

ERROR_SUCCESS(==0) no error
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDkey or value name not found
ERROR_MORE_DATAbuffer wasn't big enough (e.g., getRegString, getRegData)
ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMSindex >= # of values or subkeys (enumRegValue, enumRegSubKey)
ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTIONbad top-level key, etc
ERROR_INVALID_DATAwrong data type or size (or size > 2048)
ERROR_BADDBregistry database is corrupt
ERROR_BADKEYregistry key is invalid
ERROR_CANTOPENregistry key could not be opened
ERROR_CANTREADregistry key could not be read
ERROR_CANTWRITEregistry key could not be written
ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPTregistry is corrupt
ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILEDinput/output to registry failed
ERROR_KEY_DELETEDIllegal operation attempted on a Registry key which has been marked for deletion.
ERROR_KEY_HAS_CHILDRENcannot delete a key with subkeys (Windows NT)


Deletes a specified value under the current registry key.

Also see

getRegRoot, setRegPath, getRegString