

int setCtlBuddyStyle(int n, int buddy, int flags)


The number of the STANDARD or SLIDER control to modify
Set to 1 to modify the edit box, or to 0 to modify the text label
The style flags to assign to this control.

Style Flags

ES_CENTER Centers the text in the edit box when editing
ES_LEFT Left-aligns the text in the edit box when editing
ES_LOWERCASE Forces all letters to be lowercase in the editbox
ES_NUMBER Only allow numbers to be typed into the editbox
ES_RIGHT Right-aligns the text in the edit box when editing
ES_UPPERCASE Forces all letters to be uppercase in the editbox
SS_BLACKFRAME Adds a black rectangle around the text label
SS_BLACKRECT Replaces the label with a blackbox
SS_ETCHEDFRAME Adds an etched frame to the text label
SS_ETCHEDHORZ Adds an etched frame to the text label
SS_GRAYFRAME Adds a gray rectangle around the text label
SS_GRAYRECT Replaces the label with a gray box
SS_WHITEFRAME Adds a white rectangle around the text label
SS_WHITERECT Replaces the label with a white box
WS_BORDER Enables the single border outline of the editbox


Returns false is control number n is out of range or unused. Otherwise, returns the result of the internal SetWindowPos function (true if succeeded, false otherwise).


Changes the window style of the labels and edit boxes of a STANDARD or SLIDER control.


This functions must be followed by refreshCtl or refreshWindow, or the changes may not take effect.

Due to a bug, refreshCtl and refreshWindow may effect the text label rendering differently.

Note that you cannot remove window styles with this function. To remove a style, use clearCtlBuddyStyle.



ctl(0): PUSHBUTTON, "Make Changes", Size=(60, *)
ctl(1): PUSHBUTTON, "Clear Changes", Size=(60, *), Pos=(*,20)
ctl[4]: STANDARD, "Example"


  if (n==0 && e==FME_CLICKED) {

    // Make editbox Uppercase & Right-aligned
    setCtlBuddyStyle(4, 1, WS_BORDER | ES_UPPERCASE | ES_RIGHT);
    setCtlBuddyStyle(4, 2, SS_GRAYFRAME);

  if (n==1 && e==FME_CLICKED) {

    // Clear previously set styles
    clearCtlBuddyStyle(4, 1, WS_BORDER | ES_UPPERCASE | ES_RIGHT);
    clearCtlBuddyStyle(4, 2, SS_GRAYFRAME);

  return false;

See Also

clearCtlBuddyStyle, (clearCtlBuddyStyleEx)?, refreshCtl, (setCtlBuddyStyleEx)?, STANDARD, SLIDER